

Brisbane To Go Green For Golden Games

06th December 2023

Brisbane will host the Olympic and Paralympic games in 2032, and the city will be as green as it is gold as the Lord Mayor pledges the planting of one million native plants before the opening ceremonies.

Brisbane’s Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said “With the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games rapidly approaching, we are rolling up our sleeves now to sow the seeds for future environmental health”

He continued “On average, Council plants more than 56,000 native plants annually, handing out an additional 45,000 saplings for free to residents each year. With our extensive tree planting program, the one million native plants will help add over 1.5 million plants to key environmental areas in Brisbane in the lead-up to 2032.”

Brisbane Council’s Sustainability Agency has partnered with Greening Australia to deliver the ‘Biodiverse Brisbane Initiative’, to create and restore natural habitats across the city.

Through the partnership, up to 500 hectares of urban wildlife habitat. The one million plants will create and restore critical wildlife habitats, especially along our wetland and riverbank areas in Brisbane, with long-lasting benefits for the city, it’s natural surroundings and precious wildlife.

Chair of Brisbane Sustainability Agency, Nigel Chamier AM commented “Brisbane 2032 is our goal, but this is also about creating an environmental legacy beyond the Olympic and Paralympic Games.”

The projects will contribute to the Council achieving its goal of 40% natural habitat cover across Brisbane.

“We are committed to putting the plans in place now so that we can welcome the world to a cleaner and greener Brisbane in 2032 and beyond,” Schrinner said.

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