
Government Programs

Previous programs

Our story

How it all started…


Cool Planet launches

In our first year we developed the second online carbon calculator internationally and the first that enabled the user to pick specific offset projects. Furthermore, we certified the first Australian carbon neutral newspaper, yoga studio, printing business, rental car company, nightclub and clothing company.


Green Loans Program

(Federal Government)

Under this federal government program, Cool Planet delivered over 500 residential energy assessments and developed and delivered 14 workshops, training over 130 people to deliver the program.


Energy Efficiency for Small Business Program

(NSW Office of Environment and Heritage)

Under this four year program, Cool Planet conducted over 1400 commercial energy assessments and processed $1,000,000 in rebates to small businesses in NSW.


Outreach Program

(ACT Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Dictoriate)

During this 4 year program, we conducted 450 energy assessments and thermal performance retrofits for low income earning households through Canberra.


Sustainability Advantage

(NSW Office of Environment and Heritage)

During this three year program we provided resource management and sustainability advice to a variety of medium sized businesses in Regional NSW.


Bin Trim Program

(NSW Environmental Protection Authority)

Over five rounds and nine years of this program, Cool Planet conducted over 1,600 waste assessments for small businesses through NSW, proudly becoming the largest provider of sustainability services in Regional NSW.


ACTSmart Home Energy Advice Service

(ACT Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Dictoriate)

Providing phone and email services for sustainability queries from residents in Canberra. We delivered over 60 workshops, 80 information stalls and helped over 3,500 households.


Love Food Hate Waste

(NSW Environmental Protection Authority and Sustainablity Victoria)

Significantly reducing food waste through waste assessments and education over a three year period in the hospitality and childcare industries throughout Regional NSW and Victoria.


B-Corp and Climate Active

Cool Planet becomes B-Corp Certified and Registered Climate Active Consultants.


2022 Circular Economy

Exploring the viability of a localised circular economy pilot for the NSW EPA.


2023 Scorecard Assessments

Working with NSW and ACT governments to deliver Scorecard energy assessments as part of a pilot program.


2023 EPA Bin Trim Network Program

Delivery starts on three year childcare and preschool waste assessment and education program for 400 centres in NSW.


2024 Victorian Trim Your Bin

Waste assessments for small businesses under Victorian Bin Trim pilot.


2024 EcoVadis

Cool Planet becomes EcoVadis certified and registered consultants.